Paul Cahan


I used to skip gym class in the 7th and 8th grades and then sneak into the art room if it was empty. I did this as often as I could get away with it. I created free-flowing, colorful abstracts. Instead of using paint brushes, I applied paint to the rollers used when making linoleum block prints. (See photos 1 and 2)

Much of my early paintings were based on my experiences in the woods of Maine, landscapes and close-ups of birch trees. I have many semi-abstract nature studies, ranging from minimalist and expressionist, to cubist. Whenever I learned about an art movement, I gave painting in that style a try and had fun with it.

Prior to delving seriously into sculpture, I usually had either a camera or an easel close by or on my mind. In this gallery are a few examples of my paintings that reflect experiments with different mediums ranging from watercolors, to acrylic and oils on either canvas, plywood or sheetrock. More recently I took an electric circular saw and cut the plywood intermittently while applying paint. (Please see Image # 11) An artist friend, Michael Poast, watched me do this once. He told me that I handled the saw quite naturally, like a brush. I decided though not to be known as a saw painter and remain primarily a welding sculptor.

Please click on images thumbnails for larger view:


Abstract with Printing Rollers
Abstract with Printing Rollers
Bemis Mountain
Birch Touch
Abstract 1965
Birches Bending 1
Birches Bending 2
Recent Gouache
Hernan Tree of Life
Hernan's Wounded Garden
Mt. Snow
Listening to Music



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